Friday, May 23, 2014

Song titled: "Changes"

Every time I seem to feel like I lose my temper
without a simple thought or a kind word inside my head
I long to hear this new baby whimper
I cannot seem to cope because the change is so new to me
The change is so new to me (repeat two times)

This new baby seems to bring a special feeling inside my soul
a special smile right up to my face
We never thought life would turn out this way
We seem to grow up each and everyday

Economy and finance seem to push you to an entangled wire
All the books I read find ways to inspire
My temper normally led me to create a big fire
Spam seems to come to me faster than attire

Playing with cookie dough grasps control of my anger
I do not want to leave this song as one cliffhanger

Learn to fight all of your anger until you'll feel relief
Keep it short, simple, and brief
Make it sink into your teeth

Have a great week! Please try to live a stronger, happier lifestyle.

Please drop me a line @ or send me a comment on this song ASAP!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Most Popular Blind Event of 2014

29th Annual International Technology Conference for Persons with Disabilities
Date: March 17-22, 2014
Place: Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, California
Event Address:
CSUN Center on Disabilities
18111 Nordhoff Street
Bayramian Hall 110, Center on Disabilities
Northridge, CA 91330-8340
818-677-2578 (W)
818-677-4929 (W) (Fax)

AFB: Darren Burton and William Herschel showcased some items from their booth:
·       Access Note
·       Fleksy which is an additional format to Access Note and it contains a Bluetooth QWERTY keyboard
·       Fleksy Ease is used with Apple iOS products
AlexandraVision Ltd. = located in Switzerland = a Swiss watch-based co. selling vibrating watches for the blind
·       Co. has been creating an unique form of stone for our watch
·       It’s handheld with only three buttons: one button for hours; one button for minutes (you only have to change this button twice per yr. w/ Daylight Savings Time); and one button to set your meal time (which is set by vibrations)
·       It’s not an atomic watch
·       It fits in your pocket very easily
·       Battery life = lasts up to 5 yrs.
·       Some of the vibrating watches are made more for female; some watches are made out of sherry wood with wooden pendants, therefore, the female vibrating watches = well-liked b/c they are both fashionable and functional
·       These vibrating watches are being sold mainly to: the deaf-blind community
·       To purchase vibrating watches, please contact: A T Guys and visit their website for more ordering information
Robert J.: American Thermoform Corp.
·       3D printer (deposits from layer to layer)
·       Aside: see demo of a 3D printer @
·       Additional feature in 3D printer: added fabrication
·       Paper feeds out of the printer like a fishing line
·       Contains a thick-jet pointer head
·       Produces 3D objects and the finishing touch is called= 3D printer
·       For Example, 3D object he used to showcase the item = handmade model of Lincoln donated to their co. by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC
·       For more info. please contact Robert @ 909-593-6711, Ext. 107 or visit website @
Dr. Bob Stepp from Computer Applications Specialties Co.
·       Available: Braille translation software containing six-key Braille editing, pages of virtual Braille paper and simulating dots on the screen; Braille = spoken by JAWS and is in print notation
·       You can utilize your knowledge of a clipboard and any info. that holds data on a clipboard  = then it has the same spatial representation as Braille
·       It is available in both Braille and Print
·       It contains a Braille transcriber for proofreading and the print view shows the page boundaries are centered on a page and it also has a spell-checker for Braille
·       Used with Windows software versions Windows 95 to Windows 8.1
·       Contains 62 GB of space and is portable
·       You have to purchase the laptop with a license and you can also install any of its software on more than one computer
·       If you purchase the new Braille transcribing software and if you are both a customer and a purchaser of the software and you are dissatisfied or if at any time you feel dissatisfied, just simply click Complete Undo at the top right-hand corner of the software webpage and it will automatically delete all of the downloaded software from your computer for you
·       Please visit for further information.
·       You can purchase the software document process either of three different ways:
·       1.      $26.00 per premium license with free lifetime updates and upgrades that which costs $949.00
·       2.      You can buy the license and pay for the license and software at a one-time fee, where you do not get the license but still get free additional updates of the software and that costs $749.00
·       3.      It can start at a price of $389 you can fill in the price value and you get the Basic Edition at $10.00 per download of their software
Barry Greenblatt from Maxi Aids:
Now they sell specialty switches
Project RAY has been a very successful product for their co. = a Smartphone designed specifically for the visually impaired; you can change it to your own voice and record your own voice on it
·       There were numerous products that the company was showcasing at their booth this year at CSUN and they were as follows:
·       1.  A Large Print Talking Calculator
·       2. CCTV’s (together Maxi-Aids has partnered with another co. called Nordica to sell CCTV’s)
·       3. Talking Clock
·       4. Talking Weight Scale (w/ Braille)
·       5. Horizon Kitchen Scale (w/ Braille)
·       Please find Maxi Aids on FB or visit or call @ 1-800-522-6294 (M-F 8:30 AM ET-5:30PM ET)
Douglas CEO from Tactalis and Invici Technologies, Inc. from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(INTERVIEW with Douglas that was not included in this conference, but I found it via Google Search. Please visit (it is about SEVEN MINUTES LONG.)
The company Tactalis HCI has created and developed tablet computers where you can feel graphics/images/symbols on a touch screen
·       You can scan a single page or magazine
·       It’s not static
·       You can zoom in on one particular area of focus
·       It’s very interactive
·       You can download/create/share/exchange files
·       You can request information as to where you are going i.e. e.g. to get from Point A to Point B, where is that office located?
·       User experience = very clean
·       It works on some Windows platforms
·       There also options for iOS devices and/or Android devices/apps
·       It sits on top of a computer
·       As of right now, this product isn’t shipping; it’s still in the manufacturing stage; the company doesn’t take pre-orders; the product will not be available to sometime later in 2014
·       Please visit or find them on Twitter: @Tactalis
Marie Huetz de Lemps, M.M. from Telorion UK
From London, United Kingdom
Smartphones for the blind and visually impaired
There is a keypad overlay on the screen
There is a touch(ing) interface
Hardware ONLY
Galaxy phones
You can switch to Android if you need to by removing the overlay
Price of product is 360.oo euros or you can purchase the entire package as a bundle for 700.00 euros
There is a screen icon on their website for more information, please visit or find them on FB or Twitter
Jeff Bazer from Dolphin Computer Access
There are two central themes that the co. Dolphin is working on:
·       Read what you want how you want
·       A huge platform for SuperNova and Guide
·       The company Dolphin is creating screen magnification software for both SuperNova and Guide
·       The co. has also partnered with BookShare and major libraries to make accessible e-book readers for blind and visually impaired users
·       The co. has also added a new item to their product line called = BookShelf
·       With the usage of OCR technology in the form of image/pdf files you can move content to more than one device; it’s portable
·       The co. has recently added touch screen capability and beta software to both of their products: SuperNova and Guide
·       These products are available on 8”-11” tablets, 15” laptop, and 27” touch displays
·       Some of Dolphin’s new products: 1. Producer; 2. Creator; 3. Dolphin Publisher (with the usage of DAISY books and DAISY book formats); 4. ePod and ePubs
·       Some of their digital books are now available with text-to-speech capabilities
·       The co. has gone an extra step by adding more books in DAISY book format
·       COMING SOON!: one more product line: Braille embossers and a brand new version of EasyReader
·       Download free 30-day trials of Dolphin’s products or view free demonstrations of their products and find out more info. about Dolphin’s product lines, please visit (Note: Dolphin also sold away a free Windows 8 Dell Tablet at the 2014 CSUN Conference)
Greg Stilson from HumanWare; e-mail address:
Matthew Janasuauskas (Product Manager for Digital Books at HumanWare)
HumanWare has added a very new version of Victor Reader Stream: version 4.3 which adds new features: such as wireless capabilities as well as use the device ON THE GO! (Without a PC) or listen on Internet Radio (the co. has partnered with oo Tunes) (Cost: $36.00)
The co. has created a new iOS app for Apple users with new Search features and different browsing functions, e.g. you can use Internet Radio and the new Search feature to search for your favorite genre/station as well as read National Library Service (NLS) Books
You can also now use: this is a new feature: the introduction of HumanWare Playlist (where you can create your own listening playlist)
(Hint: sometimes if some Federal Gov’t. employees are using Internet Radio they may be listening to NPR Radio (National Public Radio) and not Internet Radio)
You can listen to either commercial radio or even the SeroTalk Podcast Network (SPN) on Victor Reader Stream
You can customize your own favorite radio station
There are no separate playlists (there is a misconfiguration page)
You can access .pdf files and .txt files as well as use Wiktionary (Online Wikipedia Dictionary)
You can refine your Search
e.g. if you’re looking for a book or article you might want to consider reading, it will narrow down your search and it will give you a synopsis of a book or article that you are trying to find
Hit play to go back to boot up the search menus; confirm usage
There is a separate section under Bookshelf called References where you can view Wikipedia articles or other references
It will share English and all languages; if you have to view a different language and you find a dictionary in that language it will turn it into another language and you will be able to view that dictionary in another language
For BookShare and all of its users they’re releasing a new Notes page
The co. HumanWare has enhanced to a new version of Victor Reader Stream and its release of a new version: Version 4.3 with other various new features:

Lists: most recently added Lists:
Characterization of categories:
Sort the catalog or list by category/subject/or titles
Confirm to download to add a book to BookShelf
These features are very convenient for both the customer and the user of the product(s)/Service(s)
Battery life: very good
Victor Reader stream: (stream) = heavier use of Wi-Fi: speed control = best
Stream costs $369.00 with free shipping if you order from the website
Greg Stilson (Job Title: Product Manager for Braille Division)
He hopes that in 2014 different tasks will be accomplished
In December 2013: key highlights for the co. and their products: software updates; for both Braille and Print translation software; you can printout a copy in Braille; you can write it on your Perkins Brailler and if you are taking a math course you can have it speak back to you in Braille with mathematical contractions/symbols
It enables the user to get better feedback from both teachers and students can use it more easily with classroom assignments and homework assignments
It works well with PowerPoint presentations; for versions of Microsoft Office 2007 or above (when using t5his PowerPoint with BrailleNote Apex for example, you can view any bullets/slide numbers; the slide layout in Braille and you can see all headings/footers/bullets, etc.)
What is new from HumanWare at 2014 CSUN Conference?
They have updated some of the features in their products: they have also formed a partnership with Sendero Group to make GPS and its features more accessible to the blind by creating a new user interface: PSoft = a new Braille user interface
They have also created KeyMaps application (by partnership with Sendero Group) e.g. if you wanted to visit or look at a particular hotel you want to be able to travel to: the hotel is def. located on Google Maps, you would be able to see or look at the street view of the hotel and where the hotel is located on Google Maps; You can download any map in any country by using Key Maps

Other Examples of daily travel activities with use of this new application:
The map would or could tell you where you could walk to get cups of coffee (if desired) in and around the particular hotel destination; it could also be used to find a route to the nearest restaurant location(s), etc.
When buying this new application: Key Maps: it is available for purchase as a GPS package
Before the initial cost was over $1,100.00, now they have reduced the initial price to just $599.00
For each GPS user, this GPS package contains an update to KeySoft Micro 1.1. (outside):
You can request a license: you can call Customer Service from HumanWare and they will be happy to assist you.
BrailleNote Apex can now be used with any iDevice i.e. e.g. iPod, iPad, iPhone, etc. on same network; you can narrow it down to directly to the iPad or any iDevice, etc.; when you buy the package, you will also subscribe or get help to KeySoft 1.1/orientation help along with any free updates; you will always have free upgrades; for the co.: HumanWare, they will plan to follow through or push forth for these updates to their products as their initial plan in the release schedule and this is a large investment for computer hardware for their co.

For more information, please visit or contact Customer Svc. @ 1-800-722-3393